Developing Service Delivery Systems for Evaluations of Juveniles’ Competence to Stand Trial: A Guide for States and Counties (2017)

The purpose of this Guide is to help states or counties develop a “forensic evaluation system” (FES) for providing courts evaluations of juveniles’ competence to stand trial (JCST). An FES for JCST evaluations has three components that are described in the three modules in this Guide:

Module 1: Developing a JCST Evaluation Service Delivery System (SDS)—An organizational structure and procedures within which JCST evaluations are provided to the courts

Module 2: Creating Evaluation Standards—Criteria that JCST examiners should meet when performing JCST evaluations and writing reports

Module 3: Quality Control: Developing a Process to Apply the Standards—Ways to ensure that the evaluation standards for examinations are actually implemented properly by examiners


Preventing Prison Rape: Designing and Validating a PREA Screening Tool for Pre-trial Juvenile Detention Centers (2018)


Assuring the Future of Developmental Reform in Juvenile Justice: Recommendations of the Fourth Wave Forecasting Project (2017)