Keith Cruise, PhD

Keith Cruise is Professor and Director of Clinical Training in the Department of Psychology at Fordham University and Co-Director of the Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice (CTRJJ), a technical assistance center that is part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). He holds a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of North Texas and a Masters of Legal Studies degree from the University of Nebraska. Dr. Cruise has received grant funding (NIJ, OJJDP, SAMHSA) to examine the effectiveness of enhanced mental health screening for poly-victimization, trauma-informed case planning, and the impact of trauma screening on service delivery and legal outcomes for justice-involved youth. Dr. Cruise has provided technical assistance and consultation to local and state juvenile justice systems around the country in implementing trauma-informed screening and assessment practices.


Gina Vincent, PhD


Ivan Kruh, PhD