Kathleen Kemp is an Associate Professor (Research) at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in forensic psychology from Drexel University in 2011 and completed a forensic psychology postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Virginia Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy. She has served as the Director of the Rhode Island Family Court Mental Health Clinic for over nine years where she directs the Adolescent Forensic and Addiction Psychology fellowship and Juvenile Justice Behavioral Health internship positions. She specializes in the implementation of behavioral health screening in the legal system as well as conducting forensic evaluations including juvenile competency and risk assessments with adolescents involved with the juvenile legal system. Her federally funded research focuses on suicide prevention among youth involved in the juvenile justice system including training juvenile legal staff and clinicians in interventions to prevent suicide. Dr. Kemp has also consulted with justice and behavioral health partners nationally to conduct critical interventions mapping to collaboratively map local networks, identify areas of need, and find opportunities to drive system-change.


Kelly Clement, MS


Karli J. Keator, M.P.H.