Elizabeth (Beth) Fritz, MS

Elizabeth (Beth) Fritz brings nearly 37 years’ experience in the juvenile justice field serving in several capacities, most recently as the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer in Lehigh County, Allentown, PA. Ms. Fritz has a B.S in Criminal Justice from Kutztown University and a M.S. in the Administration of Justice from Shippensburg University. Ms. Fritz was an integral part of the juvenile justice reform efforts throughout Pennsylvania as a member of the Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy Leadership Team. She co-chaired the Chiefs’ and Case Plan Committee and was responsible for the guidance around implementation and application of several evidenced- based practices, including risk assessment and case planning, throughout Pennsylvania. As an associate of NYSAP, she has assisted in training and coaching jurisdictions on implementation of risk assessments and case planning practices consistent with risk-need-responsivity, including policy development, quality assurance protocols, and the practical application and strategies for sustainability.


Thomas Grisso, PhD


Christina Riggs Romaine, PhD