Gina Vincent presented “Racist Algorithms or Systemic Problems? Risk Assessments and Race” for a MHS 90-minute webinar

As recent and historical events attest; racial and ethnic disparities are widely engrained into the justice system. Recently, scholars and policymakers have raised concerns that risk assessment instruments may exacerbate these disparities. While it is critical that risk instruments be scrutinized for racial bias, some concerns, though well-meaning, have gone beyond the evidence. This article explains what it means for an instrument to be ‘biased’ and why instruments should not all be painted with the same brush (some will be more susceptible to bias than others). If some groups get apprehended more, those groups will score higher on non-biased, well-validated instruments derived to maximize prediction of recidivism because of mathematics. Thus, risk instruments shine a light on long-standing systemic problems of racial disparities. This presentation will conclude with suggestions for research and for minimizing disparities by suggesting that systems use appropriately validated risk assessment instruments to avoid unnecessary incarceration while also allowing for structured discretion.


Gina Vincent, PhD was a keynote speaker at the 2022 Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Probation conference - “Using Risk-Need-Responsivity and Assessment Instruments to Maximize Youth Outcomes”


Gina Vincent, PhD, continues as a Member of the Board of Fellows for the National Council for Family Court Judges